How did Sir Simon die?, Why Mr Otis wasn't afraid of ghosts?, Who proposed to Virginia?, What made Lord Augustus commit suicide?, What was the appearance of Sir Simon as a ghost?, Why did people tell Mr Otis that buying the house was dangerous?, Why was Sir Simon so desperate to scare Mr otis and his family?, Why did Sir Simon want revenge?, What did Sir Simon feel when he saw the ghost?, Why did the twins make a ghost out of household materials?, Where does the bloodstain appear?, Where did Mr Otis find the Tamani’s sun oil after he gave it to the ghost?, Where did Simon want to go to “sleep” (die)?, Where in the house does Sir Simon die?, How was the weather when they arrived at Canterville Chase?, Do you know any synonym for cross?, Do you know what murder means?, Which is the Spanish translation of the word "bloodstain"?, What does cupboard mean?, What is the antonym of frightened?.

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