Present Simple "S" - present habits, facts, descriptions, Present Continuous "IS/ARE/AM+ING" - actions in progress at the moment, Past Continuous "WAS/WERE+ING" - actions in progress in the past, Past Simple "REGULAR (ED) IRREGULAR VERBS) - finished past actions at a specific time, Present Perfect "HAVE/HAS+3RD COLUMN" - Actions that started in the past and continue up to the present, Present Perfect Continuous "HAVE/HAS+BEEN+ING" - actions that started in the past and continue in the present and will probably continue in the future, Past Perfect "HAD+3RD COLUMN" - past actions that happened before other actions in the past, Future Will "WILL+INFINITIVE" - predictions, promises, offers/requests, instant decisions, facts, Future Going to "TOBE+GOING TO+INF" - plans and predictions with evidence, Future continuous"WILL +BE+ING" - an action that will be in progress in the future, Future Perfect"WILL+HAVE+3RD COLUMN" - An action that will have finished in an specific time in the future,

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