ridden in a horse, gone on a date, broken a bone, slept in a tent, lost any money, made anyone cry, had a bad holiday, find any money, kept a diary, played the piano, dreamt you could fly, visited a factory, gone to Disneyland, ridden an elephant, won a race, swum in the ocean, climber a mountain, fallen in love, gone surfing, baked a cake, gone to a theatre, seen a whale, built a snowman, got very angry, caught a fish, scored a goal, made a sandcastle, been late for class, played tennis, given a presentation, won a prize, seen a tornado, met a celebrity, had toothache, gone skiing, acted in a play, held a snake, spent a lot of money, sung in public, watched a film in English, swum in a river, painted a wall, seen a UFO, drunk wine, slept in class, ridden a motorbike, forgotten a birthday, failed an exam, milked a cow, written a poem, lost your keys, seen the sunrise, flown in a helicopter, seen a ghost, played table tennis, broken a vase.

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