1) We use it to talk about an action that finished in the past but the result is important now a) PRESENT PERFECT b) PAST SIMPLE 2) We use it to talk about an action that happened at a definite time in the past a) PRESENT PERFECT b) PAST SIMPLE 3) We use it to talk about an action that started and finished in the past a) PRESENT PERFECT b) PAST SIMPLE 4) We use it to talk about an action that started in the past and continues up to the present a) PRESENT PERFECT b) PAST SIMPLE 5) We use it to with never, yet, just  a) PRESENT PERFECT b) PAST SIMPLE 6) We use it to talk about past action that has a present result /consequence a) PRESENT PERFECT b) PAST SIMPLE 7) We use it with ago, last week, in 2008 a) PAST SIMPLE b) PRESENT PERFECT

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