1) translate: jelito a) intestine b) heart c) banana 2) translate: serce a) banana b) heart c) intestine d) nose e) arm 3) what is this picture showing? a) a leg b) a banana c) a banana d) an arm  4) what is the musculoskeletal system? a) Idk b) something c) a banana d) a system that helps you move and your bones to not fell apart e) a leg 5) what are joints? a) stawy b) muskuły c) kości d) może... jakieś jedzenie...? e) a ja tam nie wiem f) mięśnie u stóp 6) what are nerves? a) they are a collection of neurons, which are the individual nerve cells. b) they are things that pump blood c) they are like these invisible muscles d) they help you dance 7) what are muscles? a) mięśnie b) mięsie c) mięso d) no nie wiem e) a takie coś 8) bye a) bye b) not bye

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