A: I love ____ fiction! Don't you? // B: Not really. I'm just not interested in aliens., A: Have you read Hamlet by William Shakespeare? // B: Of course! It's my favourite ____., A: Did you know that the film 300 was based on a ____ novel? // B: Is that why the film seems like a comic book?, A: Are you going to read Love for Laura? // B: No way! I read a review by a(n) ____ who said it was rubbish!, A: Do you have a favourite ____? // B: I have more than one. I love all of their books., A: You've finished writing your book, haven't you? // B: Yes, it's being checked by the ____ now., A: Which is the most popular literary genre? // B: It's probably ____ fiction - everyone loves reading about detectives., A: Let's see the new film about the ____ of Atlantis. // B: Sounds good! I love fantastic stories like that!.

Literature Vocabulary (Optimise B2 - WB)

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