1) What's the boy's name? __________ name is Ben Scott. a) My b) Your c) Her d) His 2) David has got a cat. ____________ cat is very friendly. a) My b) Your c) His d) Her 3) This dog is very cute. ____________ name is Ben. a) its b) her c) My d) his 4) The rabbit is white. _____________ cage is in the garden. a) His b) its 5) Yes, we have a dog. _____________ dog is very old. a) Her b) My c) Our d) Your 6) The boys have got a turtle. ___________ name is Trundle. a) His b) my c) its d) Our 7) Tom and Robert like fish and chips. It's ___________ favorite food. a) Your b) my c) His d) their 8) Nicolas Gálvez has a sister. _____________ name is Daysi. a) My b) Her c) Their d) his

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