1) Visiting the country is a ________ good way to learn a language. a) really b) much c) pretty d) a little 2) Learning a language can be _________ difficult when you're older. a) a really b) much c) a pretty d) a little 3) Online learning is becoming ________popular these days. a) little b) much c) pretty 4) It's much ________ interesting to study in groups than alone. a) really b) more c) pretty d) a little 5) It's _______ embarrassing to make mistakes when speaking a foreign language. a) really b) more c) pretty d) little 6) Studying vocabulary is much more useful _________ grammar. a) as b) much c) than 7) It's important to have ________ good dictionnary. a) a really b) a much c) a pretty d) a little 8) You really make progress quickly if you study __________hard. a) a really b) really

Adverbs: A little, pretty, much, and really

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