1) Light is the form of energy that allows us to see objects. a) TRUE b) FALSE 2) Sound is the form of energy that allows us to see objects. a) TRUE b) FALSE 3) Light travels very slow and in one direction. a) TRUE b) FALSE 4) Light can travel through transparent materials. a) TRUE b) FALSE 5) Light can travel through opaque materials. a) TRUE b) FALSE 6) Sound travels faster than light. a) TRUE b) FALSE 7) Sound travels faster than light. a) TRUE b) FALSE 8) What type of material is it? a) Opaque b) Translucent c) Transparent 9) What type of material is it? a) Opaque b) Translucent c) Transparent 10) What type of material is it? a) Opaque b) Translucent c) Transparent

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