1) to behave in a stupid way a) potter about/around (swh) b) skirt around/round sth c) run around/round after sb d) play around 2) ( Brit & Au) to spend time in a pleasant, relaxed way, often doing small jobs in or around the house a) skirt around/round sth b) turn around/round (sb/sth) or turn (sth/sb) around/round c) potter about/around (swh) d) run about 3) (inf) to laugh a lot about something a) turn around/round (sb/sth) or turn (sth/sb) around/round b) roll about/around c) run around/round after sb d) run about 4) to run and play a) run about b) switch around/round c) roll about/around d) work around/round sth 5) (inf) to do a lot of things for someone else, especially when they should be able to do more for themselves a) run around/round after sb b) roll about/around c) turn around/round sth or turn sth around d) run about 6) to avoid discussing a difficult subject or problem a) turn around/round (sb/sth) or turn (sth/sb) around/round b) play around c) skirt around/round sth d) potter about/around (swh) 7) to move two or more things, so that each of them is now in the place that one of the others was in before a) switch around/round b) skirt around/round sth c) roll about/around d) potter about/around (swh) 8) to turn so that you are facing the opposite direction, or to make someone or something do this a) potter about/around (swh) b) turn around/round (sb/sth) or turn (sth/sb) around/round c) roll about/around d) play around 9) change an unsuccessful business, plan or system so that it becomes successful a) work around/round sth b) turn around/round sth or turn sth around c) potter about/around (swh) d) roll about/around 10) to organise activities to ensure that a problem does not prevent you from doing what you want to do a) skirt around/round sth b) work around/round sth c) turn around/round sth or turn sth around d) run about

EPA 10 Around and about Game Show Quiz 11-21

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