1) The man is walking ... the door.  a) to b) next to c) around 2) The woman is going ... the street.  a) into b) across c) through 3) The kids are getting ... the bus.  a) in b) to c) on 4) They are driving ... the tunnel.  a) across b) through c) into 5) The woman is getting ... the bus.  a) out of b) out c) off 6) The woman is going ... the hotel.  a) in b) to c) on 7) The men are going ... the exit.  a) off b) out c) out of 8) The family is going ... the passover.  a) through b) on c) over 9) The people are going ... the bank.  a) near b) past c) close to 10) The car is going ... the corner.  a) left b) across c) around

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