1) You _____________ ask for permission  a) Should b) Would c) Will 2) He ______ pass the test a) Could b) Should c) Can 3) You ________ start the test now a) May b) Must c) Might 4) __________ I leave the door open? a) Must b) Could c) Should 5) The children _____________ eat vegetables a) Should b) Can c) Will 6) He ___________ be the best candidate for the position a) Should b) Might c) Shall 7) _________ you fix the door? a) Will b) Must c) Could 8) If you taste it you __________ like it a) May b) Could c) Can 9) They _______ not succeed without our help a) Shall b) Might c) Will 10) If he asked me out, I __________ accept a) Shall b) Would c) Can 11) __________ you like some tea? a) Must b) Might c) Would 12) He _______ be back by tomorrow a) Must b) Can c) Would 13) _______ we go to the theatre tomorrow a) Must b) Shall c) May 14) We __________ not assume the worst a) Ought   b) Can c) Could 15) _______ you help me a) Should b) Will c) Can

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