1) What's the largest animal in the world? a) Elephant b) Whale c) Giraffe 2) What's the smallest animal? a) Bumblebee Bat b) Pigmy Rabbit c) Bee Hummingbird 3) What's the fastest animal? a) Wildebeest b) Cheetah c) Peregrine Falcon 4) What's the most venomous animal? a) King cobra b) Scorpion c) Box Jellyfish 5) What's the slowest animal? a) Sloth b) Elephant tortoise c) Koala 6) What's the tallest animal? a) Giraffe b) Elephant c) Rhino 7) What's the longest living animal? a) Tortoise b) Immortal Jellyfish c) Bowhead Whale 8) What's the strongest animal? a) Anaconda b) African Elephant c) Dung Beetle 9) What's the highest jumping animal? a) Grasshopper b) Giant Red Kangaroo c) Flea 10) What's the loudest animal? a) Tiger Pistol Shrimp b) Blue Whale c) Hippo 11) What's the animal with the best hearing? a) Bat b) Wax Moth c) Cat 12) What's the animal with the best sense of smell? a) Bear b) Dog c) Wolf

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