1) We went to the cinema last night but the film was really... a) bored b) boring 2) I was really ... after my train journey from London to Edinburgh. a) tiring b) tired 3) She doesn't like heights and was really ... when she went on the ski lift. a) terrified b) terrifying 4) The weather at this time of the year is ..., isn't it? a) depressed b) depressing 5) It's an ... story about two men's adventure in the Amazon jungle. a) amazing b) amazed 6) These are very ... results. We thought they would be a lot worse. a) surprised b) surprising 7) I feel ... when I listen to classical music. a) relaxing b) relaxed 8) There's an ... article about digital cameras in today's newspaper. a) interesting b) interested 9) The directions he gave us were really ... a) confused b) confusing 10) That's the most ... match I've seen for ages. a) excited b) exciting 11) I was late for the interview because I had gone to the wrong company. I was really ... a) embarrassing b) embarrassed 12) The conference was wonderful and I was ... the whole time. a) fascinating b) fascinated

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