1) What is my sister doing?  a) My sister IS cooking with my mum and me b) My sister ARE cooking with my mum and me 2) What are my parents doing? a) They ARE dancing at the show b) They IS dancing at the show 3) What is my cousin doing? a) He ARE doing Arts and Crafts b) He IS doing Arts and Crafts 4) What are my neighbours doing? a) They ARE eating pizza b) They IS eating pizza 5) What is my brother doing? a) My brother ARE feeding the dog b) My brother IS feeding the dog 6) What is my grandad doing? a) He is fishing on Sunday b) She is fishing on Sunday c) She are fishing on Sunday 7) What is my mum doing? a) They are playing golf b) She is playing golf c) He is playing golf 8) What is my dad doing? a) He is reeding a book b) He is reading a bok c) He is reading a book 9) What are you doing? a) I are using a mobile phone b) I am using a mobile phone c) they are using a mobile phone 10) What is my cousin doing? a) She is studying for an exam b) They are studying for the exam c) She are stuying for an exam

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