1) The study of interactions that take place among organisms and their environment: a) Ecology b) Chemistry c) Biology d) Physics e) The Science of Organisms f) Biomes 2) Living things within an ecosystem: a) Carrying Capacity b) Abiotic Factors c) Biomes d) Symbiosis e) Biotic Factors f) Energy Pyramid 3) A place where an organism lives and that provides the types of food, shelter, moisture, and temperature needed for survival: a) Food Chain b) Ecology c) Ecosystem d) Habitat e) Biotic Factor f) Carnivores 4) A chain showing how energy passes from one organism to the next: a) Chain of Energy b) Food Chain c) Biome Chain d) Life Chain e) Niche f) Energy Pyramid 5) Eats producers: a) Herbivore b) Carnivore c) Predators d) Producers e) Food Chain f) Abiotic factor 6) Any close relationship between species, including mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism a) Best Friends b) Niche c) Predator d) Food Web e) Frenemies f) Symbiosis 7) An animal that hunts and kills other animals for food. It is a type of consumer. a) Prey b) Producer c) Herbivore d) Predator e) Niche f) Symbiosis 8) Consumers can be all of the following except: a) Predators b) Omnivores c) Carnivores d) Herbivores e) Producers f) Humans 9) The largest number of individuals of a particular species that an ecosystem can support over time: a) Carrying Capacity b) Atomic Number c) Limiting Factor d) Energy Pyramid e) Food Wed f) Food Chain 10) Non-living parts of an ecosystem such as air, water, soil, and sun: a) Biomes b) Biotic Factors c) Abiotic Factors d) Abiomes e) The Rainforest f) The Tundra 11) Composed of both the biotic and abiotic factors: a) Ecosystems b) Food Webs c) Prey d) Decomposers e) Niche f) Omnivores 12) Large geographical areas with similar climates and ecosystems. Examples include the Tundra, Tropical Rainforest, Grassland, and Desert. a) Niche b) Biotic Factors c) Energy Pyramids d) Biomes e) Cyclones f) Ecosystems 13) In an ecosystem, this refers to the unique ways an organism survives, obtains food and shelter, and avoids danger: a) Producer b) Niche c) Consumer d) Decomposer e) Limiting Factor f) Omnivores 14) Anything that can limit the size of a population, including living and nonliving features of an ecosystem, such as predators or a drought: a) Decomposer b) Biology c) Habitat d) Carrying Capacity e) Ecology f) Limiting Factor 15) Shows the direction in which energy flows. Each layer is called a trophic level: a) Food Web b) Food Chain c) Chain of Energy d) Life Chain e) Energy Pyramid f) Gold Chain 16) An organism that makes its own food: a) Herbivore b) Consumer c) Producer d) Prey e) Predator f) The Sun 17) Consumes wastes and dead organisms: a) Prey b) Carnivores c) Omnivores d) Predators e) Decomposers f) Symbiosis 18) A complex network of interconnected food chains and feeding relationships: a) Energy Pyramid b) Egyptian Pyramid c) Food Web d) Food Chain e) 2 Chains f) Spider Web 19) An animal that is hunter and caught for food: a) Predator b) Prey c) Producer d) Biome e) Ecosytem f) Limiting Factor 20) Eats producers and consumers a) Omnivores b) Carnivores c) Mutualism d) Commensalism e) Symbiosis f) Mitosis 21) In this relationship, both organisms benefit: a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism d) Symbiosis e) Cats and fleas f) Sharks and Remora 22) In this relationship, one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped: a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism d) Symbiosis e) Cats and Flees f) Flowers and Bees 23) In this relationship, one organism benefits and the other is harmed: a) Flowers and Bees b) Sharks and Remora c) Symbiosis d) Commensalism e) Mutualism f) Parasitism

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