What / you usually have for breakfast? / you have breakfast with other people?, / you have a best friend? What / he or she do?, / you have any brothers or sisters? How old / they?, / you often stressed? What / you do to relax?, How often / you listen to music? What kind of music / you like?, How often / you eat out? / you prefer cooking or going to a restaurant?, / you have a favorite aunt or uncle? Where / he or she live?, / you exercise or do any sports? What / do? How often / you do it?, What / your sibling(s) do in their free time? / you have any similar hobbies?, / you prefer Facebook or Instagram? How often / you post photo on social media?, / you watch movies at home or in the theater? What kind of movies / you like?, Where / you usually go with your friends? What / you do there?, How often / you use English? / you read in the language?, Who / you get along best in your family?, What apps / you have on your phone? Which / you use all the time?.

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