1) Would you like ... chocolate? a) some b) a few 2) I have eaten ... chocolates. a) too much b) too many 3) Don't forget to buy ... cheese! a) a few b) some 4) When I went to France, I tried lots of different ... a) cheeses b) cheese 5) I love looking at ... in the fields a) lamb b) lambs 6) I don't eat ... a) lamb b) lambs 7) I need to buy some ..., we're running out a) coffees b) coffee 8) Can I have two ..., please? a) coffees b) coffee 9) The Dr. has told him to do more ... a) exercise b) exercises 10) The teacher has given us a lot of ... to do a) exercise b) exercises 11) The company is trying to do ... with Canada a) business b) businesses 12) ... in this area close late a) business b) businesses 13) ... is an exclusive hability of humans a) speech b) speeches 14) This expert is fantastic, she gives amazing ... a) speech b) speeches

C1 Nouns that can be countable or uncountable. Based on Cambridge Complete Advanced

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