1) What group of people left England to create the colony of Massachusetts in America? a) Pilgrims b) Puritans c) Quakers 2) What did the Puritans want to do to the Church of England? a) separate from it b) destroy it c) reform (change) it 3) Who led the Puritans to begin the colony of Massachusetts? a) John Adams b) John Winthrop c) John Mayer 4) In Massachusetts, only ________________ could vote or take part in the assembly. a) men b) church members c) Native Americans 5) In 1636, a Puritan minister named _____________ led 100 people from Massachusetts to form the colony of Connecticut. a) Thomas Hooker b) Thomas Edison c) Thomas the Train 6) In Connecticut, non-church members were allowed to ______________. a) hunt b) vote c) sing 7) Rhode Island was founded by _____________________. a) Roger Williams b) Fred Rogers c) Roger Federer 8) Roger Williams believed in religious tolerance, which meant freedom for ALL _____________. a) slaves b) Native Americans c) religions 9) Roger Williams purchased the land to create Rhode Island from the ______________. a) Native Americans b) French c) Spanish 10) Why was Anne Hutchinson kicked out of Massachusetts? a) She led riots against the government. b) They felt that "a woman did not have the right to explain god's law". c) She would not share her snacks with others.

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