1) I am so _______ I don’t want to move a) relaxing b) relaxed 2) I find horror films really ______and not at all fun to watch. a) frightening b) frightened 3) Sometimes I get really _____when I can’t express myself well in English. a) frustrating b) frustrated 4) We were stopped by a man with a knife who took our money. It was___ a) terrifying b) terrified 5) The programme was really___ a) interesting b) interested 6) If I feel stressed, I find taking a bath is often _____ a) relaxing b) relaxed 7) I am really ______; I think I’ll go to bed. a) tiring b) tired 8) He’s very ________ in history. a) interesting b) interested 9) She is never ______ with her work.  a) satisfying b) satisfied 10) Cleaning is so ______! I think I’ll have a rest! a) exhausting b) exhausted 11) My job is very ______, I love helping people a) satisfying b) satisfied 12) The task was so _______ that I couldn't understand it. a) confusing b) confused 13) I felt ________ and turned red after I realised what I'd said. a) embarrassing b) embarrased 14) I was __________ because the bus was cancelled again. a) annoying b) annoyed 15) I don't understand the grammar. I'm totally _______. a) confusing b) confused 16) It's so __________ getting birthday presents. a) worrying b) worried 17) What happened? You look ________! a) worrying b) worried

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