Susan watches TV in bed (NEVER), Alfred and Pam go to bed at 11 (EVERY NIGHT), I am late for my English class! (NEVER), My sister plays tennis (EVERY WEEK), We go on holiday (ONCE A YEAR), We do yoga (TWICE A WEEK), My parents go to the cinema (THREE TIMES A MONTH), I sleep in the afternoon (USUALLY), Robert plays the guitar (HARDLY EVER), I chat online with my friends (ALWAYS), I visit my grandparents (EVERY SATURDAY), We play computer games (USUALLY), I tidy my room (EVERY DAY), Mike hangs out with his friends (FOUR TIMES A WEEK), My mother reads books in English (NEVER), Pat listens to music in her room (ALWAYS), Jack is late for his History class. (ALWAYS), I relax (EVERY WEEKEND), Ralph and Angela go skateboarding (SOMETIMES), I do pottery (EVERY MONDAY), He plays chess (EVERY WEEK), I do karate (SOMETIMES), Sam plays basketball (EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY), My parents go on holiday (TWICE A YEAR), I enjoy my holidays with my friends (ALWAYS).

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