Pete: Hey, Markus! Have you ever been to Italy? Markus: No, I haven't. But I would love to visit someday. Pete: Well, I've some great news for you. I won two tickets to Rome in a travel contest! Markus: Wow, that's amazing! Congratulations, Pete. I'm so happy for you. Pete: Thanks, Markus! I thought maybe we could go together. What do you think? Markus: Oh, I ____ I'll be able to go. I have to work during that time. Pete: That's a shame. You really ____ any vacation days left? Markus: I'____. I used them all up for my sister's wedding last month. Pete: Ah, I see. Well, it's okay. Maybe next time then. Markus: Yeah, definitely. I'd love to go on a trip with you sometime. Pete: That sounds great. We can plan something for the future. David: Any plans for your next vacation? Sophie: ____. I've decided ____ go anywhere this year. David: Really? You love traveling! Sophie: Yeah, but with recent events, it's best ____ any risks. David: Right, safety first. Plus, you can explore your city or spend more time with loved ones. Sophie: That's the plan! No packing, no airports, just a stress-free break. David: And ____ that staying close means missing out on anything. It's about perspective and enjoying yourself. Sophie: Exactly. Thanks for understanding my decision

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