1) Choose the correct answer: My cousins come / are coming to stay this weekend.  2) Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets. We .................. (not /do) anything wrong in the classroom, but the teacher told us to leave. 3) Find a mistake in the sentence. Correct it. Joe works in a hospital next summer to gain some work experience.  4) Choose the correct answer: Could you meet me at the bus station on Wednesday? My bus arrives / will arrive at six.  5) Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets. We .................. (not /do) any practice tests yet so I’m not sure what they’re like. 6) Find a mistake in the sentence. Correct it.  I am thinking that London is fantastic. 7) Choose the correct answer: I’m sure you're going to get / you’ll get a good grade in your music exam 8) Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets. I .................. (learn) how to drive at the moment. 9) Find a mistake in the sentence. Correct it. Look at the road! Our bus comes. We should hurry up. 10) Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets. I didn't listen to the teacher properly because Charlotte .................. (talk) to me at the same time. 11) Choose the correct answer: I’ve already done / I already did my piano practice, so I’ve got time to watch TV.  12) Find a mistake in the sentence. Correct it. I don’t know what to have for lunch. Oh – those sandwiches look nice. I am having one of those.  13) Choose the correct answer:  The English exam was difficult because I didn't learn / hadn't learned enough phrasal verbs.  14) Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets. At the moment I .................. (think) about what subjects to take next year. 15) Find a mistake in the sentence. Correct it. When I came back home, my mum baked a chocolate cake.

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