What is environment ? - Environment is the whole set of thinhs that living beings interact, What are the type of stimuli? - 1-acording to the location - Esternal and Internal 2-acording to its nature - physical and chemical, What are the types of receptors? - 1-Exteroceptors /2-interoceptors/3-propioceptors/3-nociceptors, What is the endocrine system? - Is formed by many glands. These glands make hormones. That control the function of other body sistems, What are the main glands? - 1-piutitary gland / 2-Thyroid /3-Parathyroid/3-adrenal/4-pancreas/5-Reproductive glands, What is a Stimulus? - Anything that you are able to detect and make you react, What are the type of stimulus? - 1-stimulu 2-receptor organ 3-cordinator system 4-efector organ 5-response, What is endotherms ? - Or warm-blooded animals. They are able to mantain constant Their temperature regardles of the external temperature , by means of physicological processes (sweating,silvering). Only mamals and birds , What is escotherms? - Or cold blooded animals. Their temperature depend on the environment temperature , What are the types of senses organs? - 1-pupil/2-Retina/3-optic nerve /4-Iris,

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