EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Get something red and show it to the camera., Show us a picture that you like., EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Get a hat and put it on., Go to the kitchen, bring a glass of water and drink it., EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Dance like a crazy guy., Jump twenty times., Write your name using the left hand., Say the name of 5 boys in your class and 5 girls in another class., Sing your favourite song., EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Everybody frozen!, EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Tell me … how much is twenty times twenty?, Spell the word (the teacher will say the word)., Guess the song., Play a musical instrument that you have at home., EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Blow out the Candles on the Cake (imaginary cake)., Get a comb/brush and change your hairstyle., Give a tour of your bedroom., Draw your favourite animal., Find a piece of fruit and take a bite., EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Put on your T-shirt the wrong way (you can’t take it off), EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Make a funny face!, Show your pet to the camera (or mimic one)., EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! The chair is lava!!!!, Bring one member of your family in front of the camera to say HELLO... (you can’t speak Spanish), EVERYBODY PLAYS!!!! Get your toothpaste..

Tabla de clasificación

Rueda aleatoria es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?