1) English is easy to learn. 2) Without technology society is ruined 3) The more you earn, the more taxes you should pay 4) Violence is sometimes necessary 5) Personality is more important than beauty. 6) All drugs should be legalized. 7) Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today. 8) Humans should invest in technology to explore and colonize other planets. 9) No job is perfect 10) The most important thing about a job is the salary. 11) You can know a lot about a person from the clothes he or she wears. 12) People get offended too easily nowadays. 13) What goes around comes around. (If you do good, good will come to you / If you do bad, bad things will happen to you.) 14) Everyone has the right to have an opinion even if the opinion is false according to well-known facts. 15) Life would be better without government or rules.

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