1) To survive, plants need... a) Water b) Minerals c) Air d) Sunligh e) All the answers are right 2) The parts of the plants are... a) Thorso, thorax and abdomen. b) Roots, steam and ground. c) Roots, stem and leaves. 3) The function of the stem is... a) to conect the roots and the leaves. b) to absorb water. c) to make the food for the plant. 4) The function of the roots is... a) to absorb water and minerals from the soil. b) to fix the plant to the soil. c) A and B are correct. 5) The function of the leaves is... a) to fix the plant to the soil. b) to absorb water. c) to absorb water and minerals from the soil. d) to make the food for the plant. 6) Flowering plants reproduce by making... a) photosynthesis. b) seeds. c) insects. 7) What does the stamen have at the end? a) The calyx. b) Petals. c) Pollen. 8) The calyx is made of sepals. a) True. b) False. 9) What does the pistil have inside? a) Pollen. b) Stamens. c) Ovules. 10) Sepals have different colours. a) True. b) False. 11) How is the stem of the trees called? a) Branches. b) Bush. c) Trunk.

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