1) Faria made some tools using the metal from his bed a) True b) False 2) Faria was a ........... a) sailor b) priest 3) He used ....................to make pens a) fish bones b) wine 4) He worked for a very rich man member of the ..........family a) Borgia b) Spada 5) Dantes learnt many things from Faria a) True b) False 6) Faria suffered from......... a) heart attacks b) brain fever 7) The hidden Spada treasure was on the island of... a) Tiboulen b) Monte Cristo 8) The chateau d´íf´s cementry was.... a) in the earth  b) in the water 9) Dantes needed to leave the island of Tiboulen because .... a) it was dangerous b) it was near the Chateau d´ïf 10) A small fishing boat helped Dantes out of the island a) True b) False 11) Dantes told captain Baldi his true story a) True b) False 12) The crew of the Jeune Amelie were..... a) pirates b) smugglers 13) The Chateu d´íf fired the cannons every time ..... a) a prisoner escaped b) a prisoner died 14) The Spada treasure consisted of only gold coins a) True b) False 15) Jacopo gave Dantes happy news about his family a) True b) False 16) Dantes change his name because....... a) he was now a rich man b) he wanted to stay a free man

The treasure of Monte Cristo -chapters.10-13

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