1) Unit 8: Was Arthur happy about his time at school? 2) Unit 8: What was Arthur's first job? 3) Unit 8: Do you think Arthur wants to see his old school friends at the dance? 4) Unit 10: Were Mary and Sheila studying on the same course together? 5) Unit 10: Why was Arthur surprised to see Sheila eating cream doughnouts? 6) Unit 9: Did both Arthur and Jennifer had a good time at the dance? 7) Unit 9: Why did Mr. Steele tell Arthur off? 8) Unit 11: What happens if the contestants answer three questions correctly? 9) Unit 11: Is a pound of feathers lighter than a pound of lead? 10) Unit 11: Why did the young man choose number 7? 11) Unit 11: How many prizes are there in the quiz? 12) Unit 11: Do you always win a good prize if you answer the three questions correctly? 13) Unit 12: Who do you think Arthur will take to the Costa Brava? 14) Unit 12: Why did Mrs. Harrison have to ring up the TV repair company? 15) Unit 13: Why did Mr. Smithers let out a shout? 16) Unit 13: How did Mr. Smithers go to the dentist? 17) Unit 14: Why was Mary late? 18) Unit 15: Was Mary with Bruce when the police questioned her at the police station? 19) Unit 15: How many times had Mr. Smithers seen Bruce? 20) Unit 15: Where had Bruce got Mary's engagement ring from? 21) Unit 15: What did Mary give to the police? 22) Unit 16: Did Mary still love Bruce? 23) Unit 16: Was Arthur pleased that the engagement was over? 24) Unit 17: How many people were charged with armed robbery? 25) Unit 17: What did Arthur do on the Saturday everning after the trial? 26) Unit 7: What happened to the ceatral heating? 27) Unit 7: Did Arthur stay in Middleford? 28) Unit 7: What did he get from The Old Boy's Association?

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