actor / actress - a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television., casting director - the person responsible for assigning roles in a film or play., computer graphic designer - the person who is responsible for creating any graphic pieces outlined in the script., costume designers - a person who creates the look of each character by designing clothes and accessories the actors will wear in performance, director - a person who determines the creative vision of a feature film, television show, play, short film, or other production., location scout - someone whose job is finding suitable places for filming television programmes,films, commercials etc., producer - a person overseeing the production process in filmmaking, television, or other commercial productions., props maker - the artist/technician who creates custom props for a production, including necessary modifications to props that are rented, screenwriter - someone who works within the craft of writing for entertainment media such as films, television series, video games, and web, sound engineer - a technician dealing with acoustics for a broadcast or musical performance.,

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