1) You ... pay the rent today. Don't forget! a) must b) can't c) mustn't 2) You ... eat in the classroom. It's forbidden. a) must b) mustn't c) can 3) You ... have any pets in the hostel. It’s not allowed. a) must b) can't c) can 4) You ... go to the doctor. You look terrible! a) must b) mustn't c) can't 5) You ... go to school until you finish secondary school. That's the law. a) must b) can't c) mustn't 6) You ... take a short break when you finish this. You have my permission. a) can't b) must c) can 7) __ we please play games on Student's Day, Miss?  a) can b) must c) mustn't 8) Stop, kids! You __ run around the pool. It's dangerous! a) can b) mustn't c) must 9) We ___ go skating in the new skate park this afternoon! Do you want to? a) can b) must c) can't 10) You ___ send your score when you finish this, okay? I'll correct it. a) mustn't b) can't c) must

Must/mustn't - Can/can't. Multiple Choice

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