1) Last week I ... a) had my eyes tested b) ´ve had my eyes tested c) tested my eyes 2) I don´t get ... well with my cousin a) in b) on c) up 3) I wish I ... to my husband a) didn´t lie b) wouldn´t lie c) hadn´t lied 4) The statue of Liberty ... to the Americans by the people of France a) given b) had been given c) was given 5) I didn´t use to ... up early when I was in primary school a) waking b) wake c) woke 6) I ... university by 2030 a) will finish b) will have finished c) will be finishing 7) This time tomorrow I ... on the beach! a) will sunbathe b) will have sunbathed c) will be sunbathing 8) This is the girl ... parents have just divorced a) whose b) who c) whom 9) I never get used to ... at night a) work b) worked c) working 10) I advised my father ... that car but he never listens to me. a) not to buy b) to not buy c) don´t buy 11) If I hadn´t broken my arm, I ... the match now. a) would play b) would have played c) would be playing 12) If you want to succeed, you ... yourself. a) will be b) should be c) would be 13) I can´t ... moody people a) put up with b) come up with c) give up 14) I listen to the same songs... a) time after time b) at the time c) at a time 15) I had a great time ... not going to the party a) although b) despite c) however 16) I forgave her after a time. ..., I never trusted her again. a) However b) Although c) In spite of 17) You won´t get the job ... you give a good impression in the interview. a) if b) unless c) as long as 18) He denied... the wallet a) steal b) stole c) stealing 19) There aren´t ... people in the shop a) much b) many c) little 20) There are ... people getting the virus. a) plenty of b) a small amount of c) a great deal of

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