1) Who's this? a) Oliver b) Uncle James c) Finley 2) Who's this? a) Uncle James b) Finley Keen c) Oliver 3) What's she doing? a) gymnastics b) skateboarding c) swimming 4) Which one is correct? a) I go skateboarding b) I go ballet lessons  c) I go gymnastics 5) What's the weather like? a) It's sunny b) It's snowy c) It's hot 6) What do lions eat? a) Lions eat leaves. b)  Lions eat grass. c) Lions eat meat. 7) What time is it? a) Eight O'clock b) Half past eight c) O'clock eight 8) How do you go to school? a) At car b) By car c) By bike 9) What season is it? a) Spring b) Autumn c) Winter

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