Madonna (height:1.64 m tall/ likes: pizza), Lionel Messi (weight: 72 kilos), Charly (funny and smart) , Oompa Loompa (short and hardworking), Elsa (kind-beautiful/weight: 50kg), Compare Tom and Jerry, Sergio Agüero (physical description), Spiderman (fast/hobby:climbing buildings/clothes), Brad Pitt (hobby: reading books), Bugs Bunny (likes: carrots - dislikes: meat), Compare: Bart, Maggie, Homer Maggie or Lisa , Sullivan (scary - resposible) physical appearance, J Balbin (weight: 75kg - height: 1.70 m tall), Shakira (birthday: 2nd February), Wonderwoman (hair and eyes), Belle (physical appearance) Hobbies: singing - dancing, The Beast (birthday: 25th August), Rihanna (hair and eyes/pretty), Sergio "the teacher" (smart. Use the comparative or superlative form), Daddy Yankee (talented - friendly).

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