technological - relating to or involving technology, technophile - a person who is enthusiastic about new technology, a techie - a person who knows a lot about technology, especially computers or other electronic equipment., technophobe - a person who fears or dislikes new technology, especially computers, and does not want to use it, innovation - the development and use of a new idea or method, breakthrough - important development or discovery, cutting-edge - very modern, state-of-the-art - the latest stage of development of a product, using the most recent ideas and method and including the latest features, high tech - using or involving advanced technology, indispensable - something you could not manage without; absolutely necessary, outdated - out of date; old-fashioned, obsolete - not in use any more, having been replaced by something better, game changer - a new idea or factor that significantly changes an existing situation or way of doing something,

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