What is your favourite colour? Where can you find it?, Have you got any pet?, Name three places you want to travel to, Your top 3 of songs, What is your favourite meal?, Three films that you don't like, What is your favourite sport?, Do you believe in zodiac signs? What is your zodiac sign? (hmmm typical of piscis), Pepsi or Coca Cola? Fanta or Mirinda? Seven-up or Sprite? Or Water? (Wow! Healthy!), What do you want to be when you grow up?, Top 3 of films, Have you got any brother or sister?, What school do you go to?, Your top 3 of singers/bands, What is your favourite meme?, Do you prefer sweet or salty food?, What is the last film you watched?, Can you dance "Moskau"? , Do you prefer watch films/series/anime or read books/comics/mangas?, If you could speak another language apart from English and Spanish, what woud you like to speak?, Which season is your favourite? Why?, What is the food you least like?.

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