What is the best thing about your school?, What are the 3 words that best describe you?, What's your favourite food?, What subject would you like to study most?, What is the best thing about online classes?, What's your favourite season? why?, What is the most useflul thing you have? why?, Are you a very organized person?, What do you do when someone in your family gets angry with you?, What's something that really annoys you?, What did you learn doing during the pandemic?, What are the three best apps on your phone? why?, What do you do to relax?, What's your favourite number? why?, What's yor favourite tv programme? why?, Where did you meet your oldes friend?, What did you do most during quarantine?, Which one do you prefer: movies? o books? why?, Do you have any pets? What are their names?, Talk about the family members that live with you., How many people are there in your family?, When do you get up on school days?, Where do you usually have lunch?, Hown often do you help with the housework?, Do you sometimes meet your friends after school?, What do you usually do at the weekend?, How often do you eat fast food?, How often do you see your best friend?, Talk about something that you do every day., How often do you go to the cinema., What do you usually have for lunch?, How often do you study English?, What type of music do you like? why?, Who is your favourite singer?, Do you like dancing?, Do you have a national dance in your country?, Can you play a musical instrument?, What's ypur favourite ice cream flavour?, What's your favourite dessert?, What's your favourite dish?, What's your favourite movie?.

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