1) the period during which a king, queen etc. rules a) weather a storm (idiom)  b) stain (n)  c) reign (n) a.  d) national anthem (n)  2) wait until the situation improves again a) accusation (n)  b) weather a storm (idiom)  c) reign (n) a.  d) national anthem (n)  3) the feeling of being sad that you have and show because somebody has died a) stain (n)  b) mourning (n)  c) constitutional duty (n)  d) alter (v)  4) a statement saying that you think a person is guilty of doing something wrong or illegal a) alter (v)  b) atop (prep.)  c) tribute (n)  d) accusation (n)  5) make somebody/something different a) weather a storm (idiom)  b) alter (v)  c) colonialism (n)  d) reign (n) a.  6) a legal responsibility that a ruler or person in high office has to perform a) phase out (phr. v)  b) constitutional duty (n)  c) accusation (n)  d) mourning (n)  7) the official song of a nation that is sung on special occasions a) national anthem (n)  b) phase out (phr. v)  c) alter (v)  d) colonialism (n)  8) a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove a) colonialism (n)  b) phase out (phr. v)  c) alter (v)  d) stain (n)  9) an act, statement or a gift that is intended to show respect or love, especially for a dead person a) mourning (n)  b) atop (prep.)  c) national anthem (n)  d) tribute (n)  10) the practice by which a powerful country controls another country a) alter (v)  b) stain (n)  c) tribute (n)  d) colonialism (n)  11) on something a) alter (v)  b) colonialism (n)  c) atop (prep.)  d) mourning (n)  12) to stop using something in stages over a period of time a) phase out (phr. v)  b) tribute (n)  c) constitutional duty (n)  d) stain (n) 

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