1) What were the causes of the War of Independence? a) Great Britain attacked Spain b) Napoleon wanted to expand French territoty c) Carlos IV and his son Fernando VII were fighting for the throne d) Spanish people attacked France 2) Who helped Spain to defeat French troops? a) Portugal b) Germany c) Great Britain d) Poland 3) Who was Maria Cristina? a) She was the regent of Isabel II and her mother. b) She was French Queen. c) She became the Queen of Spain after Isabel II: 4) Who changed the Law of Succesion in Spain so that his daughter Isabel could become the Queen? a) Amado I b) Carlos IV c) Fernando VII 5) Who were the carlists? a) People who supported Isabel II. b) People who supported Infante Carlos. c) People who wrote the first Constitution. 6) Why did the reign of Isabel II end in 1868? a) Because of a military uprising. b) Because she renounced. c) Because she died. 7) How long did the First Republic last? a) 5 years b) 1 year c) 3 years 8) Who became the King of Spain after the First Republic ended? a) Amadeo I b) Fernando VII c) Isabel II d) Alfonso XII 9) Why was the first Constitution a liberal text? a) Because it supported the idea of absolutism. b) Because it was based on the ideas of liberty and equality. c) Because it represented rich people. 10) Who did the progressive liberals represent? a) the nobles b) the rich bourgeoisie c) the poor working class 11) Who abolished the first Constitution? a) Fernando VII b) Carlos IV c) Amadeo I 12) Where did Napoleon send Carlos IV and Fernando VII when he invaded Spain? a) to Portugal b) to prison c) to France 13) How long did the War of independence last? a) 4 years b) 6 years c) 10 years 14) Why did Amadeo I renounce the throne? a) Because he had many problems and he wasn't popular. b) Because he was very old. c) Because there was a military uprising.

Spain in the 19th century - quiz

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