Coffee ..... (grow) in Colombia., "Rayuela" ..... (write) by Julio Cortazar., A lot of meat ..... (eat) in Argentina., Mercedes Benz cars ...... (make) in Germany., Microsoft ..... (create) by Bill Gates., The best computers ..... (make) by Apple., A wax figure of Lady Gaga ..... (make) at Maddame Tussauds last year., The report of coronavirus ..... (inform) every day., This great exercise ..... (prepare) by my teacher!, All the topics (discuss) ...... in the meeting last Friday., The English activities ..... (upload) on Mondays every week., The famous Toy Story films ..... (produce) by Pixar. , My sister ..... (give) a new mobile phone for her birthday!, Last year, he ..... (promote) to a higher position. He's the general manager!.

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