1) We ______________ at this moment a) Are studying b) Study c) Studiying 2) I ___________ ready a) Am always b) Always am c) Be always 3) Hadly ever means…… a) Nunca b) A veces c) Casi nunca 4) Abrigo a) Jacket b) Coat c) Sweater 5) Adverbs of frequency go _________ the verb a) In the middle b) After c) Before 6) With the verb TO BE the adverb of frequency goes ______ the verb a) After b) Before 7) How do you write “botas” in English? a) Boots b) Bots c) Shoes 8) He ______ to the gym a) Goes b) Is going c) Go 9) Now , She __________ a) Play the piano b) Go to a dance class c) Is practising the piano 10) How do you write “sudadera con capucha “ ? a) Sweater b) Jumper c) Hoddie 11) I hate a) Studiying maths b) Study maths 12) When we write a verb after LIKE / HATE / LOVE we add a) -s b) -es c) Nothing d) -ing 13) Sometimes means…. a) A veces b) Casi siempre c) Habitualmente 14) They usually _________ a) Are playing the piano b) Plays the piano c) Play the piano  15) You _________ a) Are reading b) Is reading 16) We use IS with a) I b) You, We, They c) He, she , it 17) Yo me pongo una falda y una camiseta a) I wear a skirt and a sweater b) I wear a skirts and a T shirt c) I wear a skirt and a T Shirt 18) Tú tocas en una banda y ellos juegan en un equipo de fútbol  a) You play in a band and They plays in a team b) You play in a band and they play in a football team

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