Giving your own opinion :  In my opinion / view… , I partly / fully agree that… , I firmly believe that… , I personally feel that… personally feel that… • First / Second of all…  I personally feel that… , Structuring and sequencing your ideas.: Firstly / Secondly / Thirdly …, Finally…, In conclusion, All in all, To conclude, To round it up, To sum up..., Adding ideas.: In addition to this, , Moreover, … , Furthermore, What's more..., As if this were not enough..., Explaining, referring to something in particular or a point in the essay: Explaining, refering to something in particular, a point in the essay., Consequently… , As regards.., As far as concerned, ..., Another reason why I ..., As a result..., Contrasting two ideas / examples / statements...: In spite of..., Despite..., However.., On the one hand..., On the other hand...,

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