1) The teddy bear is ........ the window. a) ON b) IN c) UNDER d) NEXT e) BETWEEN f) IN FRONT OF 2) The girl is .... the floor. a) ON b) IN c) UNDER d) NEXT TO e) BETWEEN f) BEHIND 3) The boy is .... the pink bed. a) UNDER b) NEXT TO c) ON d) IN e) BETWEEN f) BEHIND 4) The ball is ... the blue bed. a) NEXT TO b) BETWEEN c) IN FRONT OF d) ON e) UNDER f) IN 5) The clock is .... the shelf. a) NEXT TO b) BETWEEN c) ON d) BEHIND e) IN f) UNDER 6) The bike is ..... the pink bed. a) BEHIND b) IN c) NEXT TO d) ON e) IN FRONT OF f) UNDER 7) The camara is ..... the lamp. a) ON b) NEXT TO c) IN d) UNDER e) BETWEEN f) BEHIND 8) The paper bin is ..... the desk and the blue bed. a) NEXT TO b) IN c) UNDER d) BEHIND e) ON f) BETWEEN 9) The blue books are ..... the red books. a) ON b) NEXT TO c) IN d) BETWEEN e) BEHIND f) UNDER 10) The red notebook is .... the pink bed. a) ON b) UNDER c) IN d) NEXT TO e) BEHIND f) BETWEEN 11) The blue colour is ..... the green paint and the rubber. a) ON b) IN c) BETWEEN d) UNDER e) IN FRONT OF f) BEHIND 12) The chair is .... the desk. a) NEXT TO b) BEHIND c) UNDER d) IN FRONT OF e) ON f) IN 13) The school bag is .... the blue bed. a) ON b) NEXT TO c) IN d) UNDER e) BETWEEN f) IN FRONT OF 14) The paintbrush is ..... the green paint a) ON b) NEXT TO c) IN d) UNDER e) BETWEEN f) BEHIND 15) The white paper is ..... the magnet board. a) NEXT TO b) ON c) IN d) UNDER e) BETWEEN f) IN FRONT OF

SM1 - Choose the correct preposition - Chris' Escuela de Idiomas

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