ANCIENT - A place that has a long history. Word with similar meaning: HISTORIC, BORING - Dull and not very interesting. Word with similar meaning: UNINTERESTING, BUSTLING - A crowded, busy place. Words with similar meaning: LIVELY, FAST-PACED, CHARMING - Nice, very pleasing. Words with similar meaning: DELIGHT, QUAINT, CONTEMPORARY - Modern, very up to date, COMPACT - Not very big, contained within a small area. Word with similar meaning: SMALL, COSMOPOLITAN - Somewhere with a rich and varied mix of cultures and languages, CROWDED - Very full of people. Word with similar meaning: BUSY, BUSTLING, EXCITING - Fun, thrilling, with lots of enjoyable thing to do. Word with similar mianing: LIVELY, FAMOUS - Very well known, celebrated, notable., LIVELY - Somewhere with lots of thing gooing on. Word with similiar meaning: VIBRANT, POPULAR - Liked by a lot of people, PICTURESQUE - Charming or interesting in a unique or unusual way. Word with similar meaning: QUAINT, CHARMING, POLLUTED - Dirty, contaminated, TOURISTY - Visit by lots of tourists, HUGE - Very big. Words with similar meaning: ENORMOUS, GIANT, LARGE, VAST, SPRAWLING,

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