1) a Centaurus a) b) c) 2) What do Cyclopes do when they are hungry? a) They attack ships and eat sailors b) They eat humburgers c) They attack villages 3) When they are angry... a) They kill people b) They create terrible storms c) They attack kids 4) a Sphinx a) b) c) 5) Why are visitors to the Sphinx´s city worried? a) She asks difficult questions and eat people b) She eats people when she gets angry c) She hates the people of the city 6) Cerberus... a) b) c) 7) Why is Cerberus a good guardian? a) Because it has 3 heads b) Because it´s very strong c) Because it has powers 8) Why are Chiron´s students excited about studyng with them? a) Because he is the best teacher in Greece! b) Because he know everything of science! c) Because he is very funny!

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