1) Nine hundred and eighteen a) 9018 b) 918 c) 980 2) five hundred and five a) 5005 b) 5505 c) 505 3) seven thousand, seven hundred and thirty-eight a) 7787 b) 7738 c) 7783 4) fifty-three thousand and forty-five a) 53045 b) 53405 c) 15345 5) five hundred and seven thousand, seven hundred and thirty-four a) 57734 b) 517734 c) 507734 6) three hundred and seventy- nine thousand, and nine a) 3079009 b) 31799 c) 379009 7) five million three hundred and eighteen thousand, eight hundred and four a) 5318804 b) 5380804 c) 53018804

Large numbers. Superminds 5

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