1) She ... pasta every Sunday.(+) a) like b) likes 2) I ... breakfast in the morning. (+) a) have b) has 3) I ... to the park on sunday. (+) a) go b) goes 4) I ... in my bedroom .(+) a) study b) studies 5) The dog... with the ball .(+) a) play b) plays 6) She ... TV in the afternoon. (+) a) watch b) watches 7) She ... at six thirty. (+) a) wakes up b) wake up 8) They ...cards with their family. (+) a) play b) plays 9) I ...classes at three o'clock. (+) a) finishes b) finish 10) He... his homework. (+) a) do b) does 11) She ... to bed at eleven o' clock. (+) a) goes b) go 12) I... classes at nine o'clock. (+) a) starts b) start 13) ....... you watch TV everyday? (?) a) Does b) Do 14) ........he play football on Monday? (?) a) Does b) Do 15) She .......... go to school everyday. (-) a) don't b) doesn't 16) They ........sleep in the bed. (-) a) doesn't b) don't

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