1) Paul is ... his brother. a) slimmer than b) slimer than c) more slim than d) slimmest than 2) Bob gets ... her group of friends. a) the worst marks of  b) worst marks than c) badder marks d) the worse marks in  3) You’re ... my school. a) baddest of b) the worse student in c) worse than d) the worst student in 4) You know his ... friend. a) best b) the best c) the most good d) the better 5) The cartoon is ... the movie. a) funny than b) funnier than c) funniest than d) funnyest than 6) His last party was ... all. a) the most amusing of b) most amusing of c) the amusing of d) very amusing of 7) She was ... when she was ... a) more kind ... more young b) kinder ... youngest c) kindest ... younger d) kinderr ... younger 8) Mary is ... the world. a) the nicest girl in b) nicer than c) the most nice in d) the nicer of

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