A Beginning for the Park: Before the Everglades became a National Park it was just an ecosystem. It has been around for 5,000 years.er., The Everglades became a National Park on December 6th, 1947., What's in a Name?: A journalist wrote a book where the park was called "Everglades: River of Grass"., The word Everglades comes from "ever" which means forever and "glades" which is an old English word forgrassy open place., The Native Americans who lived there named it Pa-hay-Okee which means "grassy waters.", Wildlife: There are five different types of animals who live in the Everglades: birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians and insects., Reptiles prefer warm climates because they are cold-blooded and that is why they need sunto regulate their body temperature., Alligators live in freshwater, this means, we can't find them in the ocean., The American Crocodile lives in saltwater, so you can find it near the coast, in the Everglades., Habitats: A habitat is a home for plants and animals., Habitats are great because they provide food, water, shelter and space to live in., The Everglades has two types of habitats: wet habitats and dry habitats., Everglades Seasons: There are two seasons in the Everglades. In the wet season, it rains a lot, but in the dry season, there is almost no rain., Birds in the Everglades prefer to nest in the dry season because it makes it easier to catch food!, It rains a lot in this National Park, but only a certain amount of water at certain times of the year., Water: The Everglades gets a lot of its water from rainfall (somewhere around 150 cm per year on average), Because of all the rain, water gets into the rocky underground creating underground caves called aquifers., Most of the drinking water in the state of Florida comes from the aquifers in the Everglades.,

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