1) We use the present simple... a) to talk about animals b) to talk about activities that that people are doing at the moment  c) to talk about people d) to talk about routines 2) He ... playing football at the moment a) -- b) is c) are 3) Which of these verbs can not be used in the present continuous? a) study b) do c) go d) sing e) understand f) dance 4) We ..... a mountain once a week a) is climbing  b) climbing c) climbs d) are climbing e) climb 5) He........ (not) always go to cinema a) don't b) do c) doesn't d) are e) isn't f) aren't 6) ... you playing tennis now ? a) Do b) Does c) Is d) Are e) Am 7) They are .......... currently.Because they are preparing for the concert a) sing b) singing c) signing d) sings e) singinng 8) To talk about actions happening now, we use... a) present simple b) present continuous 9) I am speaking with my mum now a) present simple b) present continuous 10) Build a correct sentence: a bike / she / always / ride a) Always she rides a bike  b) She rides always a bike c) She always ride a bike d) She always is riding a bike e) She always rides a bike

GoldXB1+ Present simple vs present continuous

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